Wednesday 17 October 2012

Reflecting on the workshops.

What I learnt from the workshops...
Teen Representations
I learnt that imagery used for promoting a movie such as a teen movies are as important as the film itself as this DVD cover/Movie poster is one of the first things that an audience sees.
Teenage actors are used in teen movies for the intended audience (teens) to be able to relate to and understand the characters and the situations they are staged in.
Body language, costume, make-up, facial expressions, positioning, colours, fonts, background ... are well thought out to hint character personalities and parts the story line of the movie to the audience.

DVD cover conventions
-Main title
-Main actors
-Main image
-Institutional logos
-Format logo
-Spine title
-Bar code
-Special features
-Back Cover Images
-Billings block
-Technical specifications

Editing and Filming

  • 30 degree rule/ Jump cut; Part of film editing that says the camera needs to move at least 30 degrees when two different shots of the same subject are edited together. 
  • Shot Reverse Shot; Almost like the 180 degree rule. When two characters are filmed having a conversation, the camera cuts from one side of an actor to the other to show they are looking at each other. 
  • Establishing shot; An extreme long shot/long shot to show the setting/location of where the film takes place
  • Action Match; Avoiding a lapse in time when different shots of the same moving action is edited together.
  • 180 degree rule; In a conversation between actors the camera stays on one side of the actors, forming an invisible line cutting through the characters.
Continuity editing is editing shots in order of time and place.

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