Thursday 25 October 2012

Editing Preliminary Exercise Evaluation

We were easily able to put together a rough edit of the scenes we wanted and well recorded. This was to fix the order of the scenes so that when edited accurately it flows smoothly.
We still need to record a shot of our main character walking up the stairs as without it, the continuity of the edit doesn't work. 
We were not able to re-record the scenes with errors but we cut and shorten some clips by using the precision editor to put together the clips the we cut, allowing the video to play in a smooth way. We approached a problem with a clip as the acting wasn't complete before the camera stopped recording. we overcame this by adding titling and this helped cover up a jump cut.
Some camera movement wasn't as stable as is should have been so we cut it out and had a POV shot by the same character.
Towards the end of the video we noticed that we crossed the 180 line. However, it worked as the character looks in the same direction.
We also detached the audio as part of the sound editing. during, we overlapped audios to make the background sound and any additional sound continuous.
We worked together and evened out roles to complete the task and were happy with the end result.

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