Wednesday 3 October 2012

8 Mile -Opening scene

Low key lighting- Shows a dark side of the movie. E.g. Disequilibriums, Hate, Villains...  
The mirror- Shows a different side to the character. Even though its the same reflection it could hint a different side to the character or his lifestyle. 
Actions/Gestures- The main character uses his hands to signify that the movie includes Hip-Hop and Rappers. He does this by using typical Hip-Hop hand gestures as he mimes to his music. He also holds his fist to his mouth as if he's holding a microphone. This also connotes a big role of music and career within the movie. 
Expressions- Throughout the opening scene, the main character keeps a serious and neutral facial expression. This could be used as a signifiers for the genre of the movie, which is drama. 
The Costume/Make-up- The character is wearing a beanie hat, trainers and a hoodie which makes the audience automatically think of the stereotypical images such as 'thug' or 'trouble-makers'. Even though these are stereotypes, they could be the characters actual personality.
The Setting- Dirty toilets with graffiti all over the walls and dim lights which connotes the environment the characters are living in and maybe even their financial ability. 
Music- Mobb Deep - Shook ones pt. 2. This is both diegetic and nondiegetic as the actions of the character is in sync with the music the audience hears. When he takes off the headphones the music stops and the audience realises that he was also listening to the same music. 
Titling- Very simple entrance (fades in and out), font and colour. Signifies the simplistic plot and characters.
Camera work- Close-ups, Over the shoulder, Medium shots, fast panning and fast cuts to show each other characters movements, actions and expressions.
Dialogue- Actors speak with aggression and there is no sign of friendliness in the intro. This symbolises the fact that its literally a tough place/time to be accepted.

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