Wednesday 28 November 2012

Scripts -Layout & Conventions

Shadow of the Vampire

Interview with the Vampire

Sucker: The Vampire

The Layout of all scripts are the same. descriptions are aligned left and are written with space between lines stating an action or description or dialogue. Any dialogue is aligned in the centre, separating it from the rest. The font is also very simplistic and spaced out to make it clear enough to be read quickly. 
Any location, time or character names are written in capitals to make it more noticeable. 
If a description or dialogue has not finished it is continued onto the next page; writing "(CONTINUED)" at the bottom of the page. 

The names of the characters who have newly entered the scene are in capitals after that there's no need.
Location is expanded on using "INT." for indoor shooting or "EXT." for outdoor filming, followed by the specific location; E.g. "HUTTER'S HOUSE" in Shadow of the Vampire then ending with whether it is "DAY" or "NIGHT" to specify the time of day. E.g. "INT. ANTHONY'S HOUSE - NIGHT"
Any camera movements or transitions are stated in capitals; E.g. "FADE IN:" in Interview with the Vampire.
Directions for the actors are always written in present tense, this tells the actor what they should be doing or feeling in that scene. E.g. "Reed laughs self consciously as he turns the shower off." in Sucker: The Vampire.
Dialogue is the most important part of the script, the dialogue is typed in the centre of the page with spacing before and after to make it clear.

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