Wednesday 27 March 2013

Brief planning: Evaluation Point 5, 6 and 7

Question 5- How did you attract/address your audience?

The animation of the titling grabs the audiences attention even though its very simple. 

Discovering the 'hut' 
This interests the audience as this is the next scene of the narrative. A new location is an fundamental of attracting the audience. 

Hearing things
The tense starts to rise when the main character starts hearing sticks breaking and foots steps outside of the hut. At this point the audience knows that something is going to go wrong so they are bound to pay more attention.

Leaving the hut
When David leaves the hut, the tension rises even more. David is now by himself so anything could happen to him or the rest of the group. This is a typical scene of a horror movie; where the main character wanders off to see what is wrong. 

The screams 
The audience is engaged in what is going on in the picture after hearing the groans than sound as the they automatically try to focus and try to spot who or what is making the noise. 

When David starts to run towards the groan the tension rises as the audience will be confused about what or who he's running for as David could also be in danger. 

Unknown character on the floor 
This scene 

The blood 
One of the most important signifiers in the opening. The colour and gore easily attracts the viewers attention. 

The group arriving
The audience gain a sense of security as there are more people involved in the scene and danger is less likely to strike them all. 

Question 6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

  • Green screen: Using Keynote to create text with a green background, exporting via Quicktime, importing into iMovie and inserting it on top of our footage using 'Green screen'.
  • Garageband: Mixing and editing music, making it a longer piece and correcting or assembling sound effects together.
  • Camera: The use of another camera to record sound/dialogue and converting it into mp3. 

Question 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

  • ALOT of planning is needed to create a successful piece of work. 
  • The simplest things are most effective.
  • Lighting is much more difficult to perfect outdoors without the professional equipment.

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