Wednesday 16 January 2013

True Blood title sequence analysis.

1st Shot
The first image shows a close up of the side of an alligators face. The background reveals the location of a swamp The attention is drawn to its eye as it is in the middle of the shot. The connotations of this imagines could be the idea of cruelty as the animal is a predator and it will hurt and kill anyone or anything. Also, secrecy and being watched as the alligator is able to hide underwater yet had its eyes out of the water; watching.
2nd Shot
This shot shows a snake facing away from the camera with its mouth wide open as it just about to bite something. This links to vampirism as connotations include being bite, venom and danger.
3rd Shot
The image shows a long shot of a rusty car which appears to have broken down and abandoned. The car is is covered with leaves from its surround trees which shows that the car has been there for quite a long time. Also judging from the make and year of the car, we can tell that the series is set in the older times. The connotations; abandonment, broken (physically and emotionally), useless... could be foreshadowing certain situations in the series.
4th Shot
This image shows a extreme close up of a young boy eating/biting berries. The shot size may have been used to hide the identity of the character.The berry juice is all over his mouth which indicates the level of freedom and youth. This is a big link between the the series and its theme of vampirism. The use of a young boy connotes a corrupted youth and a loss of innocence.
5th Shot
The shot of the moon behind a cloud relates to the fact that vampires come out at night. But the full moon could also connect werewolves to the series, adding different themes.
6th Shot
The medium close up of the two women praying shows that the series also includes religion even though the main theme and genre says different. 
7th Shot
The image of the Venus Fly Trap eating an insect again brings up the concept of cruelty as the Fly Trap would kill anything if it was beneficial to itself; the idea that the plant is a predator. The teeth in the image relate to vampires and fangs.
8th Shot
The title is on a red background which connotes blood and danger which again relates to vampirism.
9th Shot
The final shot shows two people wearing white standing in water at night with a third person bent over into the water in the middle as if being 'washed' or cleansed. This could do with the religious theme and 'wahing their sins away'.

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