Thursday 20 December 2012

A group of friends go on a camping trip. Once there, they start to disappear one by one, leaving Angel, the main character, alone with the creature lurking in the distance.

Simple idea but different conventions can be added to the opening scene. 

Opening scene: A girl walking alone in the forest. Her name is called a few times but she shows no reaction. The audience are then shown that she is not by herself as her group of friends are shown walking slowly behind the girl who is revealed to be Angel. Angel see's a dark figure between the trees every now and again before her group catch up to her.

Examples of Vampire conventions that can added into the opening are:
-Costume; cross necklaces or vampire themed jewellery or 'Batman' t-shirts, which are quite ironic, are worn by some characters.
-Actions; Angel sees the figure in multiple places suggesting that it's a vampire with the typical super-speed superpower.  
-Mise en scene; filmed in a space with a limited amount of sunlight/sun rays. 
-Dialogue; Talk from other characters about 'monsters' in the forest.
-Narrative; The group fail to catch up with Angel as another character, Lori, has a nose bleed. 

Other idea can be added or changed by people in the filming group.
The ending is left as a cliffhanger in the written plot so groups can change the ending to their own idea. 

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