Thursday 20 December 2012

Director: Sheida
Producer: Humaira
Camera-person: Rafia
The roles of costume and makeup designer and editor will be split between the three.

A group of friends go on the a camping trip and discover a man in need.

Opening Scene: A blank scene, sounds of a coach pulling over then driving off. The group are shown to walking through the forest when one of them start to hear groans of a man from nearby. The find him rolling around on the floor in excruciating pain. Eyes red, pale skin, bloodless lips.
The group try to call for help but are not able to contact anyone.
They come to check on the 'sick' man but he had disappeared.

A group of friends go on a camping trip. Once there, they start to disappear one by one, leaving Angel, the main character, alone with the creature lurking in the distance.

Simple idea but different conventions can be added to the opening scene. 

Opening scene: A girl walking alone in the forest. Her name is called a few times but she shows no reaction. The audience are then shown that she is not by herself as her group of friends are shown walking slowly behind the girl who is revealed to be Angel. Angel see's a dark figure between the trees every now and again before her group catch up to her.

Examples of Vampire conventions that can added into the opening are:
-Costume; cross necklaces or vampire themed jewellery or 'Batman' t-shirts, which are quite ironic, are worn by some characters.
-Actions; Angel sees the figure in multiple places suggesting that it's a vampire with the typical super-speed superpower.  
-Mise en scene; filmed in a space with a limited amount of sunlight/sun rays. 
-Dialogue; Talk from other characters about 'monsters' in the forest.
-Narrative; The group fail to catch up with Angel as another character, Lori, has a nose bleed. 

Other idea can be added or changed by people in the filming group.
The ending is left as a cliffhanger in the written plot so groups can change the ending to their own idea. 

Monday 17 December 2012

Representation of gender and sexuality in The Vampire Diaries.

All vampires in The Vampire Diaries possess the same sort of powers so gender in vampirism isn’t as significant as it might be in other shows.

There is no major difference between the male and female vampires as they are all represented as strong and equal characters in terms of vampirism. However, when it comes to scenes showing social events i.e. parties, the girls still have the ‘sexy attitude’, vampire or not. So we see that even with the idea of immortality, women are still shown as used as ‘sex objects’.

The victims, humans the vampires feed on, of this TV show 90% of the time are women in their 20’s; Implying that young women are the weakest and the more acceptable target for a ‘drink’. The use of male victims is quite rare as the we normally see the male as the stronger character both physically and emotionally as opposed to women.

In the most recent season of The Vampire Diaries, one of the three main characters, who is a female, turns into a vampire. With this her emotions are heightened and sense of morality is weakened. As the main audience for the TV show are young females, the main character being a capable, attractive girl presents her as the perfect role model.

Throughout the narrative, there is only one gay character. Bill Forbes isn't a main or popular character which could be one of the reasons why he was the one chosen to be gay. This is because of the concept of ‘The male gaze’; the male audience would much rather see a male character who’s in charge and is the typical heroic muscly alpha-male surrounded by action. This makes them feel more confident and ensures them that that’s what men are supposed to be like. However, by having a gay male character, most men would feel offended as it’s going against their stereotype. Also, homosexuals are put at the bottom of the hierarchy for men as they go against all the traditional norms of a man. 

Media Conference

The media conference was very fun! Even though we did sit in an uncomfortable chair for half the day, it was very useful in terms of what media is all about next year. Since we're doing music videos next year, they showed us a music video created by students who won a media award, or something and Corin Hardy, a music video director, was there!

He directed:


There was also talk about media related research, media competitions and Heydon Prowse and Jolyon Rubinstein; where there for Q & A! 

Wednesday 12 December 2012

2 best ideas & my ideal role.

Chloe - 17
I think Chloe's idea is very unique. The storyline makes sense. In terms of filming, casting will be easier to find compared to other ideas and locations that are needed can be found. For this narrative, there are a lot of ways to film the opening.

Alice - 14
Quite a simple idea which makes it easier to alter and add more scenes. I think the making of the opening will be quite interesting as there are loads of possible ways to do it. Again, casting and suitable locations will be easy to find.

I rather be BEHIND the camera so roles like being the director, cameraman, producer etc..
Mostly director as its such a big and challenging role to take.